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Why choose "Your Robin's Nest"?

      Your Robin's Nest  is a uniquely qualified advocacy service for parents of children with special needs. We help parents navigate the complex public education system to obtain the services their children need and deserve. Most importantly, we are transforming the lives of school children struggling with developmental challenges like ADHD, Autism, Executive Dysfunction, Tourette’s Syndrome, Dyslexia and many other disabilities.

      Unlike attorney-only firms, Your Robin’s Nest  is led by BOTH a special education attorney AND a long-time special education teacher. Experts in two fields bring a unique perspective and knowledge of the NJ Special Education law and the various ways it is implemented in the special education classroom. Such an advantage allows Your Robin's Nest to advocate aggressively on your child's behalf.

     In order to keep our fees extremely competitive, we meet with our clients at a place of their choosing, in their town, or we can provide a mutually convenient location. We answer our phones personally and return calls promptly, 7 days a week.

     Our experience has shown that the most appropriate services are often obtained when we help parents advocate for their child. So if you:

 Want to know your legal rights – but in layman’s terms - we can help.

 Need someone to sit alongside you at IEP meeting - we will be there.

 Would like a representative with you in court - we can sit alongside you.

 Need references for testing and/or counseling - we have them.

 Need tutoring services, OT, or PT specialists - we know who to call.

      Federal law (“IDEA”) and New Jersey Special Education Law mandate that children with disabilities are entitled to a free, “appropriate” public education (“FAPE”) in the least restrictive environment (“LRE”) – Your Robin’s Nest  will aggressively advocate on your child’s behalf to ensure that your child receives the maximum possible educational benefits.

Call us and receive a free phone consultation at 732-494-0479; or email: to see how we can help you. Don't forget to visit us on Facebook.





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